Website Development | small2BIG - Web Design Company India | Website Design | Web Development Company India Thu, 05 Jan 2017 07:30:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Should You Jump on the Responsive Design Bandwagon? Mon, 27 May 2013 18:30:24 +0000 Should You Jump on the Responsive Design Bandwagon?

You’ve heard the buzz about “Responsive web design.” But you’re not sure exactly what it is — or why you should pay attention. Here’s a bit of background, so that you can decide whether you ought to jump on the bandwagon.

“In simple terms, a responsive web design uses ‘media queries’ to figure out what resolution of device being served on. Flexible images and fluid grids then size correctly to fit the screen,” explains Pete Cashmore in the article “Why 2013 Is the Year of Responsive Web Design.”

As consumers increasingly access websites from diverse mobile devices — laptops, smartphones, and regular and mini tablets — it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to optimize web content for various formats and screen sizes. One of the main benefits of responsive web design is that you don’t have to create and maintain a separate mobile version of your company’s website to fit small screens; the design adapts your content accordingly.

Of course, switching to responsive web design requires some time and money. Small-business owners shouldn’t just move to it — or any new technology — just because it’s available. Make sure that you can make a business case for its implementation.

Here are three questions to ask yourself to help you determine whether your business should adopt responsive web design.

1. Are you redesigning your website or creating a mobile site? If you are making changes to your website or are doing a complete redesign, take the opportunity to incorporate responsive design. This is especially true if your plan includes building a mobile site. Consider this: By adding a separate mobile site, you will have to pay for its design and invest extra time in maintaining two sites. So, instead of creating an outdated solution that causes you additional work, you many want to set up a responsive website that better serves your customers — and saves you time.

2. Are you losing sales or customers with your current website? If you sell products from your website, not using responsive design may be costing you money. This is especially true if you don’t have a mobile version of your site. For example, have you received complaints from customers regarding using your website on mobile devices? Look at your recent sales figures to see whether your online revenue is decreasing. By comparing the cost of the design project with the cost of lost opportunities, you can decide which avenue makes the most business sense.

3. Do you use your website for content marketing? Many businesses provide value-added content on their websites as part of a content marketing strategy. But reading pages of information on a mobile device can prove challenging if the content isn’t optimized to the device, and customers tend to skip articles that require too much effort to peruse. Although content marketing can boost sales and your reputation, it is only effective when your customers are able to easily access your information.


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Content Management Systems Fri, 24 May 2013 18:30:00 +0000 Content Management Systems

Content management is central to your website and business. CMS allows for easy storage and gathering of information. (CMS) or Content Management Systems are programs that allow your website to operate and allow you to maintain it. The system allows for masses of people to share files and information while allowing for control over all data.

There are many types of CMS or Content Management Systems. Component Management, Document Management, Enterprise Content Management, Learning Content Management, Media Content Management, Mobile content Management and Web Content Management are only a few. Each provides a specific function relative to managing the information stored and delivered to a business website.

The ECMS or Enterprise Content Management system is designed to organize diverse information used by a business operation, while CMS or content system management will mange items as simple as a word or phrase or as complex as complete and multiple documents. A Learning CMS would be a program that provides functionality for educational environments. It will duplicate many of the functions that an educator once provided. It can register an individual, tutor, assess performance, provide course catalogues, organize courses and allow for multiple discussion formats. You will guess that a media CMS allows for many of the present musical formats and image presentations that have become central to everyday computing. It controls many functions familiar with our use of daily digital media. The Mobile CMS provides services for all mobile objects, cell phones, black berries and computers. Web Content Management Systems are created to simplify the process of publishing items to the web without using HTML and other written languages.

How does it relate to you who owns a business or web site? Technical changes happen on a continuum. There are changes that have to be made to keep a web site or intranet in great working condition. It can be laborious. This is where control management systems come in. They assist you in keeping up with changes once made manually or by a system of organization far less superior. CMS streamlines the process of creation, creates faster turn around time for implementing new pages or important changes, gives greater continuum, better site navigation and increased personal control of your websites. They allow you to operate your site from a variety of points with greater security, while reducing information duplication and management costs.

These are some of the many different systems available for content management. There are hundreds of programs written and being written that may someday play a major role in the functioning and managing of your business information. There are software developers working at this exact moment to simplify and transform the way we will utilize software programs for daily transactions.

These systems or programs are created to simplify. There are many types of Content Management Systems allowing for a variety of operations. Content Management Systems rule the landscape and are key to the success of any business using web a site as a point of contact.


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3 Simple Questions Your Website Should Answer Tue, 21 May 2013 20:13:18 +0000 3 Simple Questions Your Website Should Answer

Are you aware that your website may be costing you fistfuls of money?

An eye-catching website design will set the stage for your business, obviously. But that powerful first impression only buys you a few seconds of attention.

If what you SAY on your website gives visitors the wrong impression, you’re chasing potential clients away.
And that problem is far more common than you think.

People visiting your website subconsciously look for reasons to bail. They’re not asking themselves, “Why should I stay here and look around?” They’re thinking, “Is this website wasting my time?”

Make them struggle to find the answers they need, and they won’t bother hanging around.
Don’t hustle for nothing. Instead, anticipate the questions your prospects are probably asking themselves. Use this checklist to make sure potential clients will easily believe hiring you is the best choice they could make.

1. Who Are You?
Many writers make the answer to this question the entire focus of their website. They list qualifications, awards, degrees, credentials, and anything they hope will help “sell” their expertise.
But people don’t buy credentials. They buy what you can do for them.
So you’ve got 3 advanced degrees. You’ve been featured in glossy magazines. You have writing experience a mile long. So what?
Ever been around someone who talks only about himself? That’s the only person he cares about – he doesn’t care about what you have to say. And all you can do is nod and smile automatically while hoping your phone rings so you can flee the scene.
That’s how your visitor feels when your website is all about you.

2. Why Should I Care?
Talk to readers about themselves. “You should care about me because I can boost your sales. Unlike hundreds of other writers, I meet your deadlines. I know how your business works. I help your business grow. That’s who I am – to you.”
Tell your visitors enough about you that they know you’re qualified for the job, and then put the bulk of your efforts on showing people that they’re dealing with a human being who cares about them, their problems and helping them find a solution.
Then focus on why they should care enough to read further.

3. Can I trust you?
While reading your website, your potential client is skeptical. Everyone is. And that person is thinking, “Yeah, right. Why should I believe any of this?”
Do you answer that question?
Collect testimonials that speak to your expertise and the results you’ve helped create for other people. Offer free information that solves real-world problems. Demonstrate you can help in a tangible way that makes your message credible.
Without trust, your website is worthless to your business.
In fact, it could be making things worse if you aren’t showing you back up your big claims.

Bonus Question: What Next?
If your website lacks a clear call to action, you can assume your reader won’t take any action at all. They may trust you, like you, and even believe that you can help solve their problem.
But don’t assume they know what to do next. Take them by the hand, show them the way and leave nothing to chance.
Want them to click the red button to subscribe? Say, “Please click the red button to subscribe.” Want them to email you? Tell them, “Email me at this address.” “Call now!” is a better call to action than none at all.
And even if the action you want people to take seems obvious to you, point it out anyways.
Don’t hide your call to action in a link that may or may not be misunderstood. Ambiguity is not your friend. A statement like “contact us for more information” doesn’t tell your reader HOW to contact you, either by email or telephone. Why send people on a scavenger hunt for your contact information?
How about this, instead? “Call now for a 3 minute recorded message about how you can put $500 cash in your pocket – as early as tomorrow. No pressure or obligation – limited time offer.”
Now I know why I should bother. I know it’ll be hassle-free. If this is true, I don’t want to miss out on that money. Heck, it’s only 3 minutes – what do I have to lose?
See the difference?
Read your own website today. Go through it line by line. Make sure your marketing message packs power. Answer the questions your reader is already asking. Show that you understand where your potential client is coming from, and tell him why you’re the solution he needs.
Your turn: What else is important to answer on your website? What more do potential clients want to see? Let me know in the comments – and by the way, what’s stopping you from making that change to your site today?


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